Corporate Sponsorship
Katie Wherley and Rock Solid Training are pleased to offer your business a fantastic marketing opportunity.
The mission of Katie and Rock Solid Training is to produce world-class athletes, both of the equine and human nature. Your support of Katie will reach the immediate members of the Rock Solid Training Team and the thousands of people at any competition where a member of the Rock Solid Training Team is competing.
Your business will be promoted in association with a highly regarded and exciting athlete. With a record that speaks for itself, Katie is looking to not only compete at the highest levels, but to win at the highest levels.
There’s a place for everyone at Rock Solid Training! Whether you want to provide Katie with product or cash, all donations are welcome. Below are outlines of two possible donation scenarios.
Product Donation: Your company provides Katie with a specified amount of product for the season. During this time, Katie will use your products both at home and at competitions. If interested, Katie will be available to provide feedback on each product, as well as be available for consultation on any new products.
Monetary Donation: Your company provides Katie with a specified monetary donation, which can be spread out in payments throughout the year, or donated in one lump sum. In return, Katie will provide your company with the appropriate advertising opportunities through, herself, and her horses.
Please do not hesitate to contact Margaret at to brainstorm new and unique ideas.
The Benefits: Depending on the level of sponsorship, Katie’s sponsor benefits might be the following:
- Opportunity to provide Katie with your product
- Use of Katie’s image for promotional purposes
- Opportunity to provide Katie with your company’s logowear
- Your company logo, along with a link, on and in the official RST monthly newsletter
- A behind-the-scenes pass at major events